Digital Optical Systems for Image Processing

Clave: 17A7504

No. de horas: 72

Créditos: 5

Tipo de asignatura: Optativa

Fecha de elaboración: 2016-10-31

Objetivo general:

Provide students with the theoretical concepts, computational algorithms, optical setups, and system calibration methods for three-dimensional surface scanning by non-contact digital fringe projection technology.


1. Principles of opto-digital imaging
2. Wavefront transformations
3. Spatial filtering and opto-digital correlation methods
4. Applications in digital architectures


[1]   Wilhelm BurgerMark J. Burge, Digital Image Processing. An Algorithmic Introduction Using Java, Springer (2016).
[2]   Eugene Hecht, Optics, Fifth Ed., Pearson Education, 2016.
[3]   William K. Pratt, Introduction to digital image processing, CRC Press, 2013.
[4]   Subhash Challa, Mark R. Morelande, Darko Musicki, and Robin J. Evans, Fundamentals of Object Tracking, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2011.
[5]   Joseph W. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier optics, Roberts/& Company Publishers, Englewood, Colorado USA, 2005.

[6]   R. Juarez-Salazar and V. H. Díaz-Ramírez, Homography estimation by two PClines Hough transforms and a square-radial checkerboard pattern, Applied Optics 57(12), 3316-3322 (2018).